This workshop will host an environment for participants will share and provide feedback on work-in-progress that seeks to trace the harms that are produced by attempts to identify, repair, and eradicate the harms attributed to sexual abuse. The harms we want to think about range from the expansive intrusions and surveillance mandated by sex-offender registries to panics fueled by concerns about “grooming” that shape conversations about education, medical care, and media. These harms are felt by members of racialized groups and those whose sexual practices and gender expressions are conceived as marginal or perverse, or as abusive—to practitioners or broader publics. These harms have taken specific historical forms—from lynchings and incarcerations, to named social events—such as the Lavender Scare and the Satanic Panic. Sexual harm’s harms continue to shape contemporary social and political realities—from QAnon, to anti-trans legislation, to the popularity of Sounds of Freedom. Attendees include: Sahin Acikgoz (UC-Riverside), Kent Brintnall (UNC-Charlotte), Scott DeOrio (Independent Scholar), Emily Horowitz (St. Francis College), Amanda Lucia (UC-Riverside), Kori Pacyniak (UC-Riverside), Erin Runions (Pomona College), J Selke (UC-Riverside), India Thusi (Indiana University).
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